Anna K. Monfils
Anna K. Monfils
Assistant Professor
Director, CMC Herbarium
Department of Biology
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859

Ph.D. Michigan State University
B.S. University of Notre Dame

Office Phone: (989) 774-2492
Lab Phone: (989) 774-1276
Herbarium Phone: (989) 774-1947
FAX: (989) 774-3462
Courses Taught:
BIO 105: Introduction to Quantitative Biology
BIO 203: General Botany
BIO 552: Techniques in Scanning Electron Microscopy
BIO 597D/620D: Plant Systematics and Evolution
BIO 597A: Great Lakes Wetland Plants

Research Interests:
As a plant systematist, I am interested in the origin, pattern, and maintenance of diversity in flowering plants. My lab investigates biodiversity and evolution at different hierarchical scales, from the micro- to macroscopic level, and uses a range of analytical and molecular techniques. Research in my lab spans several disciplines, including methodologies from molecular evolution, systematics, taxonomy, microscopy, population genetics, and ecology.

Jeffrey K. Conner, Keith Karoly, Christy Stewart, Vanessa Koelling, Heather Sahli, Anna K. Monfils, L. Alan Prather and Frank H. Shaw. In Review. A strong pleiotropic genetic correlation fails to constrain evolution. PLoS Biology.

Monfils, A. K. and L. A. Prather. 2007 Pedicularis aurantiaca and Pedicularis densiflora (Orobanchaceae): Taxonomy, Phenology and Floral Morphological Variation. Madroño 54 (4): 306-321.

Richard Triemer, Eric W. Linton, Woongghi Shin, Maria A. Nudelman, Anna K. Monfils, Matthew S. Bennett and Stacy Brosnan. 2006. Phylogeny of the Euglenales based upon SSU and LSU rDNA sequence comparisons and description of Discoplastis gen. nov. (Euglenophyta). Journal of Phycology. 42 (3):731-740.

Monfils, A. K. and L. Alan Prather. 2004. The conserved nature and taxonomic utility of pollen morphology in Cantua (Polemoniaceae). Grana 43:1-8.

L. Alan Prather, Anna K. Monfils, Amanda L. Posto, and Rachel A. Williams. 2002. Monophyly and phylogeny of Monarda (Lamiaceae): Evidence from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Systematic Botany 27:127-137.